Find the perfect home to bring your dreams to life

Laurie Norton Team Photo

Laurie Norton Team

Laurie Norton Realty Team welcomes you! Proudly servicing Southern New Hampshire Communities, our team of top-producing Realtors® ensures a comprehensive and gratifying service experience that goes beyond expectations. We believe in developing productive and rewarding relationships with you to assist in achieving your real estate goals, whether financial or finding your own version of “Welcome Home.”

Meet The Team

Team Lead

Laurie Norton

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Barbara Andersen


Kayla Norton

kristin new

Kristin Piascik

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Dave Robertson

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Laurie Jordan

Try Our Free Home Valuation Tool

See why this home valuation tool is the best in the business! Claim more than just a single snapshot of your home's value with unlimited access to your homeowner dashboard. Have a constant view of your home's value, track comparative local market activity, manage your mortgage data, and so much more. It's quick, easy, and completely free!


Why BHGRE The Masiello Group?

BHGRE The Masiello Group understands that buying and selling a home is just one part of reaching the life that is right for you. Our team works with a brand known for inspiring all things “home,” which means we’re uniquely prepared to help you at every stage of your journey.

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